Shipping Policy

We ship orders only to locations inside Qatar.

Homesouq aims to deliver your orders within 24 hours (inside Doha area) once an order is received. But orders to distant locations like Al Khor, Mesaieed, Dukhan, Al Ruwais, Shahaniya municipility may take a bit more longer (upto 48 hours). We may also charge a shipping charge (upto a maximum of QR 30) for these distant locations in some cases.

Our delivery schedule runs from Saturday to Thrusday. Please remember we work half day on Friday, and so your orders placed on Fridays may be delayed. We may charge extra handling fee on products that are heavy or need extra care while shipping.

Standard shipping: Free delivery to all areas in Qatar for orders above QR 39.
Express Delivery: Delivery within 4 hours to all addresses inside Doha. This is only applicable to orders placed between 9 AM - 5 PM (01:00 PM - 05:00 PM on Fridays). You will also be charged an amount of QAR 25 as shipping fee if you choose the 'Express Delivery' shipping option. If we fail to deliver these orders within the mentioned timing, you will not be charged the extra amount.

Order Cancellation: You may request that an order be cancelled provided the order has not already been processed and shipped. To inform about order cancellation, message us on WhatsApp +974 59959535 or just call us during our working hours of operation to request an order cancellation.

Homesouq delivers all over Qatar. Any order request with a shipping address located outside QATAR will not be fulfilled.

* Delivery within 24 hours is only applicable to orders with delivery address inside Doha area. All other distant addresses will be fulfilled within 48 hours.